Qu'est-il arrivé à Arnold Murray, l'ami d ' Alan Turing qui a été condamné pour vol. Je n'ai pu trouver aucune information ultérieure sur Murray ni aucune interview enregistrée de sa réminiscence de Turing. Merci.
Qu'est-il arrivé à Arnold Murray, l'ami d ' Alan Turing qui a été condamné pour vol. Je n'ai pu trouver aucune information ultérieure sur Murray ni aucune interview enregistrée de sa réminiscence de Turing. Merci.
Il semblerait que vous souhaitiez lire le livre sur Turing:
C'est le livre sur lequel était basé le film du jeu d'imitation. Dans ce livre, Hodges parle d'interviewer Murray en 1980, et il semble y avoir plusieurs pages sur la relation. Le livre, à la page 675, mentionne Murray se sentant coupable après la mort de Turing, étant musicien dans les années 60, puis entrant dans la vie conjugale (pas plus de détails à ce sujet sur cette page). Murray semble être décédé en 1989.
Comme cette œuvre est sous copyright, seuls des extraits peuvent être consultés en ligne, donc si vous êtes vraiment intéressé, procurez-vous une copie du livre.
En passant, je ne vois pas où Murray a été condamné pour vol pour cet incident.
Arnold était mon oncle. Il a été reconnu coupable d'homosexualité comme Alan. J'ai lu deux livres et ils ont tous deux une perspective différente d'Arnold. Il est resté à Manchester et s'est marié et a eu 2 enfants. Ils se sont séparés. Il a déménagé à Londres et s'est de nouveau marié et a eu 2 autres enfants. La relation s'est rompue. C'était un musicien qui avait publié des travaux. Il aimait se mêler aux intellectuels, aux musiciens, aux artisans. Tout le monde veut savoir quelque chose de spécifique. Apparemment, Alan et Arnold sont restés en contact
Arnold lived an interesting and complex life. He left Manchester shortly after the trial and moved to London but returned to Manchester. The reports refer to him being unemployed, but he was not unemployed on a long term basis. At one time he worked for a manufacturing chemist, Timothy White, on another occasion he worked for an optician fitting spectacles. I remember he had a special ruler with all sorts of symbols and measurement systems.
AS mentioned above he married and had 2 children. At about that time he began to train as a mental nurse at Prestwhich Hospital.He enjoyed the work and he often taked about the work and and of some of the patients. The pay of trainee nurses at that time was very low and, though not the only reason was a key element of the reason for the marital breakdown. Bringing up 2 children on such a low income was very difficult and led to conflict with his wife. They were unsuited inmany was and the marriage was probably doomed rom the start. what I can say of her was that she was a good mothr and brought up the 2 children wellin difficult circumstances when Arnold left and went to LOndon.
In London he lived mainly in London W1 . He became a member of the coffee bar st at that ime and frequentd an establishment called the House of Sam Widges near UCH and the University. He was quite a good guitarist and mixed with a range of musically minded peeople and people who shared an odd beat humour. he used to busk ion the street but also wrote some music and een had some published. I thnk he got involved in the drug scene of the 50s.
Around 1960 he was in a live in relationship with a woman called Mary and they had a child. they lived in a flat near the Post office Tower. Something went wrong and she leeft taking the child with her, and subsequently married and lived in Lancashire. I do not know what became of the child but I know he was definitely Arnolds because I saw a photograph of him as an infant and he had an ear shape that was a family trait.
As indicated by a poster above he remarried around 1970 and had three children but the second child died in infancy with a cardiac abnormality.